New European directives on gender equality
19 June 2024
EU Directives 1499 and 1500 of May 29, 2024, will come into force on June 18, 2024. These directives change the rules governing the essential requirements for the operation of national authorities responsible for supervising the proper implementation of equal treatment principles in the workplace. EU Directives 1499/2024 and 1500/2024, which will come into force […]EU Blue Card: new rules for obtaining clearance
22 April 2024
Circular No. 2829, dated March 28th, 2024, provided indications for submitting applications for entry into Italy of highly qualified non-EU citizens. The Circular under review, which follows Legislative Decree No. 152/2023 transposing EU Directive 2021/1883, changes the requirements a worker must meet to obtain a Blue Card (Art. 27- quater of the Consolidated Immigration Act). […]What moonlighting is and how it is applied in Italy
1 December 2023
There are several reasons why an employee might decide to embark on a new employment relationship while still entertaining one with the first employer. However, the Italian laws only allow such a decision under certain conditions. The so-called moonlighting phenomenon has a particular translation in the Italian jurisdiction. The moonlighting phenomenon has an Anglo-Saxon origin, […]What “ESG” factors are, and how to pursue them when managing human resources
23 October 2023
The attention to compliance with provisions on environment, social justice, and governance has lately been progressively imposed as a main topic, not only for large companies. They are now taken into account by consumers spending and market operators’ choices, who positively value companies truly invested in respecting such regulations. That is why ESG factors have […]Network contract and double-employer regime
28 November 2022
Many companies work together daily on the same projects and through the same employees, so much so that it is not unlike that they all end up identifying as one. Such possibility is provided according to different terms and conditions and regulations to comply with within the so-called “double employer regime”; this article intends to […]New DURC of adequacy for the construction sector and sanctioning consequences
25 October 2022
The institute of the DURC of adequacy has recently been envisaged, the creation of which is aimed at ensuring the regularity of the management of contracts (both public and private, albeit with different requirements for one or the other case) with particular reference to the fulfilments that, daily, those involved are called upon to meet […]Employer’s defensive controls and soundness of the relevant suspects
25 October 2022
The provision in Article 4 of the Workers' Statute was amended in the season of legislative reforms passed between 2014 and 2016 (the so-called "Jobs Act"). These amendments resulted in greater freedom on the employer’s part, with the introduction of the balancing of values between the protection of employee confidentiality and the safeguarding of company […]